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Workshop INCHOATE - Olivet studios | Rhosrobin, Wrexham

Besides my own arts practice, I head Workshop INCHOATE. Workshop INCHOATE offers:
1) Arts Consultation & Fabrication
2) Creative Educational Projects
Arts Consultation & Fabrication
I offer consultation on the production of art works and am also able to produce these in-house, or assist in outsourcing elements to specialist fabricators. For example, artists and galleries are welcome to contact me to discuss their needs and requirements for the fabrication or installation of contemporary art works. I will offer you a range of possible solutions and/or technical drawings. We then liaise to develop the preferred options, and decide on production modes.
My expertise is model making, mould making, casting, ceramic production, timber construction, CAD drawings, AV installation, and exhibition installation.
I have worked for public institutions and commercial galleries to install exhibitions and installations. I was employed as head technician at Focal Point Gallery (2014-2019). I have worked with several artists as studio assistant and fabricator, incl. Monster Chetwynd (2008), Matthew Derbyshire (2013), and Bedwyr Williams (2021).
Creative Educational Projects
I offer to design and teach arts projects in an educational setting and in art galleries / museums. These can be for adults, young adults, and children. I can provide these projects in both the English and the Welsh language.
I can tailor projects to your educational needs and curriculum, or develop workshops based on your current exhibition or collections. I am interested in recycling and sourcing materials from nature, as well as in digital software that is free to access, and “DIY Digital” [i.e. getting the best out of the equipment you own].
Past projects have made use of laser cutting, 3D printing, digital 3D modelling, video making, Photoshop and other editing software, clay, bookbinding, and paper crafts. The pedagogy targeted learning outcomes such as enhanced literacy, numeracy, Welsh proficiency, and creative play.
I have worked with galleries such as Tŷ Pawb and Oriel Mostyn. I have taught as an artist for the Lead Creative Schools scheme, most recently at Ysgol Llanfyllin (2021) and St Bridget (2021).
Heblaw am fy ymarfer celfyddydol fy hun, rydw i'n arwain Gweithdy INCHOATE. Mae Gweithdy INCHOATE yn cynnig:
1) Ymgynghori a Llunio Celf
2) Prosiectau Addysgol Creadigol
Ymgynghori a Llunio Celf
Rwy'n cynnig ymgynghori ar gynhyrchu gweithiau celf a hefyd yn gallu cynhyrchu'r rhain yn fewnol, neu gynorthwyo i gontractio elfennau allan i wneuthurwyr arbenigol. Er enghraifft, mae croeso i artistiaid ac orielau gysylltu â mi i drafod eu hanghenion a'u gofynion ar gyfer saernïo neu osod gweithiau celf cyfoes. Byddaf yn cynnig amrywiaeth o atebion posibl a / neu luniadau technegol i chi. Yna byddwn yn cysylltu i ddatblygu'r opsiynau a ffafrir, ac yn penderfynu ar y dulliau cynhyrchu.
Fy arbenigedd yw gwneud modelau, gwneud mowldiau, castio, cynhyrchu cerameg, adeiladu o bren, lluniadau CAD, gosod AV, a gosod arddangosfa.
Rwyf wedi gweithio i sefydliadau cyhoeddus ac orielau masnachol i osod arddangosfeydd a gosodiadau. Cefais fy nghyflogi fel prif dechnegydd yn Oriel Focal Point (2014-2019). Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda sawl artist fel cynorthwyydd stiwdio a lluniwr, gan gynnwys Monster Chetwynd (2008), Matthew Derbyshire (2013), a Bedwyr Williams (2021).
Prosiectau Addysgol Creadigol
Rwy'n cynnig dylunio ac addysgu prosiectau celfyddydol mewn lleoliad addysgol ac mewn orielau celf / amgueddfeydd. Gall y rhain fod ar gyfer oedolion, oedolion ifanc a phlant. Gallaf ddarparu'r prosiectau hyn yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg.
Gallaf deilwra prosiectau yn ôl eich anghenion addysgol a'ch cwricwlwm, neu ddatblygu gweithdai yn seiliedig ar eich arddangosfa neu gasgliadau cyfredol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn ailgylchu a dod o hyd i ddeunyddiau o fyd natur, yn ogystal â mewn meddalwedd digidol rhad ac am ddim, a “DIY Digital” [hy cael y gorau o'r offer rydych chi'n berchen arno].
Mae prosiectau yn y gorffennol wedi defnyddio torri laser, argraffu 3D, modelu 3D digidol, gwneud fideo, Photoshop a meddalwedd golygu arall, clai, rhwymo llyfrau, a chrefftau papur. Targedodd yr addysgeg ganlyniadau dysgu fel gwell llythrennedd, rhifedd, hyfedredd Cymraeg, a chwarae creadigol. Rwyf wedi gweithio gydag orielau fel Tŷ Pawb ac Oriel Mostyn. Rwyf wedi addysgu fel arlunydd ar gyfer y cynllun Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol, yn fwyaf diweddar yn Ysgol Llanfyllin (2021) a St Bridget (2021).
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